Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Scope Statement

Scope Statement

Project Title: Online Bookshop Website
Date: 06/01/2012                    Prepared by: Nguyen Thi Tho
Project Justification:

The project will require purchasing a domain and a Linux server to support hosting the bookshop website as well as Web, network, database, application functions. PHP Yii framework will be used to provide fast performance and high response rate for the website. If there are any changes to the server requirements, a detailed description of the changes must be submitted to the project manager for approval. The client must approve a detailed plan describing the server requirements and their location at least 1 week before installation.
Product Characteristics and Requirements:
1.      Website must suffer from at least 2000 people request at the same time
2.      Website must support ONE-MANY relationship between Book category and Book
3.      Website must support shopping cart
4.      A high-security authentication from the administration section is highly required
5.      Frontend design need to be as simple as possible

Summary of Project Deliverables

Project management-related deliverables: business case, charter, team contract, scope statement, WBS, schedule, cost baseline, status reports, final project presentation, final project report, lessons-learned report, and any other documents required to manage the project.
Product-related deliverables: research reports, user guide, software code, database file

Project Success Criteria:
§  Construct the Online Bookshop website completely with all planned functions by the end of May 2012
§  The website must meet all written specifications,  and business rule, be thoroughly tested
§  Employee work disruptions will be minimal
§  Produce necessary deliverables
§  Manage project risks efficiently
§  Assigning tasks to suitable team members
§  Reviewing project regularly

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