Tuesday, 24 April 2012

System Requirement & Constraint

System requirements:
§  Requirement determination technique
Interview Mr. Pham Gia Bao, Vice President of Tien Phong Company
§  Data:
o   Capture data of user’s usage including reading, ordering, and searching
o   Capture all item data including printed books, ebooks
o   Record information on user searching, ordering, shipping etc.
§  Processing:
o   Administrator can create, update, view, delete user, book category, book
o   Authenticated user is able to search for books by content, category, type, title, author, date established.
o   Authenticated system user also have right to order or add / remove items to / from the shopping cart, comment for reviewing books, change user profile
o   User can view their shopping cart and bill  or review some allowed books.


§  Organizational structure depends on the budget, can upgrade system later based on the sales and profit.

§  Organizational constraint:

§  Small organizational structure
§  Budget: little
§  Region:
World-wide (all over the Internet)
§  Technology requirement:
MySQL database management and PHP programming language, with the MVC (Model – View – Controller) framework Yii
§  Time for project deadline: 1.5 months to implement

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